Question: 1 / 70

What is the meaning of a "Yield" sign?

Speed up to pass other vehicles

Stop immediately

Slow down and prepare to stop, giving the right of way

A "Yield" sign indicates that drivers must slow down and prepare to stop if necessary, allowing any oncoming traffic or pedestrians the right of way. This sign is crucial for ensuring safe merging or yielding situations, particularly at intersections or when entering a roadway. When you see a Yield sign, it signals that you should assess the situation and be ready to stop if there are vehicles or people that may be impacted by your actions.

While speeding up to pass other vehicles is not safe, stopping immediately may be unnecessary if the way is clear. Similarly, proceeding without slowing down would ignore the need to yield to others who may have the right of way. Therefore, understanding the Yield sign and its implications is essential for safe driving and compliance with traffic laws.

Proceed without slowing down


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